
by gok Apps


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Lil'Drops is a savings app for customers at their favorite places. Customers can save a little of their change (Drops) and use it latter for purchasing to enjoy discounts, gift cards, VIP treat, etc. Lil'Drops brings great value to your lite change that you sometimes don't even collect, lost, give to cashier and stacks in your purse which you loose when the purse get lost. Now you walk to your favorite place and your money is not enough, you want extra of what you are buying, you want something little like bottle of water, gum, ice cream, etc. You ask yourself questions like: 1. What about all the change I didn't collect? 2. Why did I give my change to the cashier? 3. Where are all the little change I kept in my purse? 4. Oh, how I wish I could get this thing before leaving here? *Save little of your change for a better purchase.*Write reviews about your favorite places at the Dropers wall.*Add where you save to favorite so you can find it easily when you tap ' Save / Pay' button on home page.*Tap 'Save / Pay' at the home page to fine your favorite place and save.*Tap ' Find place' at the home page to find your favorite place.*Search your state for favorite place. Find place and how much to save for products.*Check the piggy bank to see your favorite places and how much you've saved.*Set bronx, silve & gold saving goals for products & deals you love at your favorite places.*Get rewarded for achieving your savings goal.*Get rewarded for being the best saver at your favorite place and among friends.*Customize your profile.*Subscribe to notifications from your best category; food, coffee, shopping, etc.* Business owners get listed and increase sales with effective business features. Do business on the go.